1251 — QAI’s 25th Software Testing Conference, October 18-22, Orlando, USA

May 26, 2004 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Quality Assurance Institute is going to promote on October 18–22nd its 25th Software Testing Conference. It is addressed for individuals responsible for or impacted by Software Testing and will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, in Orlando.


The Conference promoters believe that attendees will have the opportunity to understand the impact from and the Software Testing methods to meet the ten challenges software testers will face in 2005. To be more precise: Testing web-based systems & networks, Testing computer security, Testing internal control and measuring risk, Customer oriented testing, Testing during development, Building a new test competencies, Measuring the effectiveness and value of testing, Improving testing relationships (management, users, teams, developers), Integrating new testing tools and Maturing the test processes.

For more information please click here


Eventos – Conferências
Em Foco – Empresa