1365 — Global Broadband Market to exceed 325 million subscribers by 2008, says the Yankee Group

Jul 8, 2004 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

According to the Yankee Group’s 2004 Global Broadband Subscriber Report, cable modem service is projected to trail DSL globally but maintain its lead in the North American marketplace. It will grow from 34 million at the end of 2003 to just under 75 million in 2008.

The research firm sees strong growth for satellite, which will capture slightly more than 12 million subscribers, still only 4 percent of total 2008 market share. Driven by strong growth in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe, broadband wireless will start from the same 2.3 million-subscriber plateau as satellite, but will grow faster to achieve 8 percent of the broadband marketplace by 2008.

The Yankee Group forecasts 35 million subscribers to be added in 2004, followed by approximately 43 million during 2005 and 2006, trending upward to 46 million and 51 million in the last 2 years of the forecast. DSL is expected to add between 25 million and 30 million subscribers per year, and cable modem will hover around 8 million. The Yankee Group projects steeper year-over-year growth for satellite, broadband wireless and other technologies.

Broadband access continues to be one of the largest and most profitable areas of telecommunications around the world“, says Lindsay Schroth, Broadband Access Technologies senior analyst. “Despite the downturn in telecom spending in the past few years, providers are expanding access networks and attracting new broadband subscribers with a variety of access technologies“.

Source: Yankee Group


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