265 — Europe Contact Center – Company Profile

Jul 8, 2002 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

With an average of 20,000 daily visitors, Europe Contact Center (www.centrodecontacto.com/EuropeContactCenter) is already the most expressive on-line journalistic initiative in Europe focused upon the call and contact center industry. Following a philosophy of quality of service and information, we work to generate added value and to develop knowledge with all institutions and people sharing the same vision and mission: Contact and Communications Centers.

  Our portal comprises a group of specialised websites for three independent linguistic and cultural communities: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Our audience comes not only from Europe but also from the most important Latin American countries like Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile and the Hispanic community in USA, testifying our mission as a hub of different cultural and economic realities.

Alongside independent journalistic content, Europe Contact Center carries out major initiatives like international events, debates, conferences and seminars. Indeed, our portal will organise a major initiative later this year in Lisbon gathering renowned specialists in call & contact centers from Iberian, Latin American and European countries who will discuss best practices and new business opportunities in economic downturn.

Managing Director
Manuel Melo
Mobile Phone: + 351 966 555 000
Mobile Fax: + 351 966 599 003
E-mail: manuel.melo@europecontactcenter.com

European Portal Contents Manager
Catarina Rodrigues 
Phone: + 351 213 243 756
Fax: + 351 213 243 759
E-mail: catarina.rodrigues@europecontactcenter.com

European Head Quarter:
Rua do Século, Nº 128, R/C, Apartado 50102 – 1703-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Telephone: + 351 213 243 755
Fax: + 351 213 243 759
E-mail: info@europecontactcenter.com
Homepages: www.centrodecontacto.com/EuropeContactCenter; www.centrodecontacto.com


Em Foco – Projecto
Em Foco – Empresa